Exploration Planning


Exploration planning

At the Laxia Project, past work include drilling, and exploration adits (up to 1.5km potentially recorded across Laxia and Pevkos Projects) which attempted to exploit the high grade polymetallic (Cu-rich) ore in the 1960s, however the SX/EW plant could not recover the primary ores very well and the mining did not continue or evolve into a larger scale operation at this time.

In 2013/14 ASX-listed group BMG Resources (Brazilian Metals Group previously) completed 13 diamond drillholes (out of 20 approved for drilling) with all drillholes intersecting a discrete, 20-40m wide alteration zone between massive and shattered serpentinite, cut by the mineralised zone which in places consists of both massive (magnetite-rich) sulphides and stringer sulphides. Thin mafic intrusions, primarily dolerite dykes, cut across the units, with brecciated, chlorite-altered and fragmented dykes common. The northern contact between the serpentinite and a sheeted-dyke complex is less than 200m from the mineralised zone.

The mineralisation consists of massive to semi-massive stringer, vein and disseminated sulphides predominantly pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, with multiple phases of mineralisation evident. The sulphides show typical infill textures, with acute angle contacts, indicating local dilation during emplacement.

The 2013/14 program was not fully completed, with the drilling of the Laxia West area not completed, despite the recommendations to focus on this area where the orebody is believed to be thicker than the 2-5m widths encountered in the first round of drilling in the central Laxia Area.

The initial focus of AEN is to drill both the northern/western extents of the Laxia orebody, along with test both near-surface gossans and down-dip extensions of the identified ore zones.

Later in 2022, drill-testing and follow-up at Pevkos will be conducted, to test for extensions to the high grade Ni-Au-Co intersections and grades reported both in past drilling (such as 2m @ 3% Ni, 3g/t Au from 94M in PEVRC004) and a recent sample from an underground gallery by AEN reporting 8.6% Cu.

Defining drilling targets through surface mapping and geophysics in the reconnaissance areas is also a priority, to enable drill testing in early 2023. Early identified targets such as Petromoutti where high grade Cu has been identified at surface, and past exploration shows extensive copper anomalism and historic workings.

AEN is also actively reviewing other projects and locations, both within Cyprus and other European locations, with a particularly focus on battery-related minerals such as copper and nickel.

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Ben Jarvis_Profile

Ben Jarvis


Non-Exec Director, Investor Relations, Business Development
Mr. Jarvis is the Managing Director and co-founder of Six Degrees Investor Relations, an Australian advisory firm that provides investor communication services to a wide range of resources, technology, healthcare and industrial services companies. 11 years as a NonExecutive Director of ASX-listed gold producer Austral Gold Limited (ASX: AGD); Non-Executive Director since 2019 of Queensland-focused molybdenum and gold exploration company QX Resources Limited (ASX: QXR).

Rob Thomson

BE(Mining), MBA, F.AusIMM

Non-Exec Chairman, Mining Engineer
Mining Engineer with experience as CEO/Executive Director and Site GM/Project Director in ASX/AIM/TSX.V listed companies. Closely involved in establishing eight sustainable mining operations in copper, copper gold and nickel. Examples of major mines include CEO Climax Mining developing the Didipiocopper/gold Project followed by merger with Oceana Gold, Executive Director for the Wetar copper mine development, GM establishing the Chatree gold mine, Site Project Director establishing the Sepon gold mine. He is currently director of Pacific Nickel Mines (ASX: PNM).

Geoff Muers,

B.Sc(Hons), G.DipAppFin, MAIG

Managing Director, Geologist

Geoff has qualifications in geology and finance, and specialises in the valuation and assessment of mineral projects. He has worked with mining companies for over 20 years, and spent 7 years in buy/sell side roles as a mining analyst in Sydney for local and international firms. Since 2013 he has advised public and private investors on mining and exploration opportunities globally with a particular focus on pre-development gold and base-metal assets.